Wednesday, February 6, 2019

New WIP Painting i'm working on....

Hi all, hope all is great. Here in MI. we had a little Ice storm, if thats what you want to call it.
I started this painting today. Done mainly with Acrylic, pencil, pallet knife and my fingers. I still have to add more paint and gelatos..... I also have to decide if I want to leave her hair or do something else with it..... I also finished the girl in the rain.... Later, till next time....

Monday, January 21, 2019

Hello, sure hope everyones New Years was amazing

Hi everybody, it's been way to long. I have been busy with my work, grandkids, and life in general. That's really no excuse and I apologize. I still have been creating all kinds of art mediums. Halloween props, my granddaughters a few sweet 16th birthday props. Painting canvas's, drawing and sculpting on canvas's etc. Some of the stuff a show some of the process. I will add more when I figure out what I did with the photos or I may have to take more photos.
Sure hope every one had a great Christmas and New Years. I will post some pics of some of the things that I have created. I will try an post something at lease once a month.